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Feynman Technique




    Holistic Science is a field of study that is rooted in examining complex systems to develop a global understanding, rather than focusing on isolated components. Holistic science can be applied to a number of fields including health, wellbeing, ecology, business, economics, psychology, physics, and more. It is a "macro" approach that studies the full spectrum of components that interplay to create cause & effect.
  • How is HOLISTIC SCIENCE used in training?
    A Holistic Science training approach recognises individuality and considers our body’s entire physiology working as a fully integrated complex system, with all components working in unison to create a training outcome. Instead of isolating a single system or focusing on a particular training technique, we consider the final training outcome as a result of all contributing body systems and adaptations over time. Taken individually, each component, system, or training approach can be seen as an independent contributor or variable. When each of these variables are combined into a full equation - based on our individuality and interactions with our internal and external environments - they shape our outcome. We call it the « final equation ». The outcome would be difficult to calculate precisely as it considers an immense and unpredictable number of variables and individualities in our physiology. The BBS Training Method™️ is based on a Holistic Science perspective that allows us to explore and develop an awareness of the many individual variables that create the complex system of our body in training. Rather than being hindered by individual variables, we learn to consider their impact on the overall outcome. This allows us to approach training from a vantage point that focuses on the outcome of the final equation.
  • How can I use HOLISTIC SCIENCE in sports & fitness?
    Training using a holistic science approach means you consider a broader range of training methods and styles. You will be viewing your physical performance, aesthetics, nutrition and mental wellbeing using a variety of different approaches. Think of it like a "spice mix": rather than training with one of a few focuses in mind; a holistic approach adds a whole variety of flavours by incorporating a range of functional training methods to develop strength, endurance, cardio, mobility, stability, physical optimisation, body composition, mental wellbeing and skill. It considers integrating a healthy approach to nutrition that is specific to YOUR body, relying on natural resources as opposed to synthetic supplements.
    The concept of holistic fitness goes beyond the usual targets of cardio and strength training. It considers the entire body as a "whole" and approaches fitness by also considering your internal and external environment to optimise your goals: body composition, skill development, aesthetics, athletic performance, and overall wellbeing.
  • How is BBS TRAINING METHOD™️ different?
    BBS Training Method™️ is a training approach rather than a format, which can be used across multi-sports and any physical development activity. It's focused on the sports and fitness industry but translates into all fields of physical skill development. BBS stands for BODY BEFORE SKILL, where we learn to study the body in training, and apply it to a variety of different skills and outcomes. Rather than delving into empirical sports science data, the BBS Training Method considers many principles that interact together cross-sectionally to look at the big picture of the whole person’s wellbeing as a pathway to achieve high performance in their chosen activity. We always consider the individual and the environment in which they are training (internal & external factors). Our method tackles concepts and ideologies of interconnected sports and wellness, attempting to balance pushing athletic abilities while keeping enjoyment, participation, physical and mental health at the forefront of our methodology. The vision of our academy is to teach more coaches to use the BBS Training Method in their existing practice. The method teaches coaches and instructors to set a strong foundation for developing more resilient, functional humans who love to move! Through improved body awareness, a holistic approach to training, and an open-minded philosophy, we learn to find our passion, develop our skills, and connect with our peers.
  • What is the difference between FLEXIBILITY and MOBILITY?
    Flexibility is the ability of our muscles and connective tissues to extend and function at different lengths and stretch points. Mobility is the ability of our joints and connective tissues to move freely and use the flexibility without physical restriction.
  • What is the difference between STRENGTH and ENDURANCE?
    Endurance is the ability of our muscles to exert force for a maximum amount of time. Strength is the ability of our muscles to exert maximum effort.
  • What is the difference between STRENGTH and POWER?
    Strength is the ability of our muscles to exert maximum effort. Power is the combination of simultaneous speed and strength.
    Proprioception is our body's ability to perceive movement and space, enabled by the ongoing exchange of information between our brain and our nervous system. For example, our ability to close our eyes and still touch our nose.
  • How can I improve my BALANCE?
    Balance is the combination of several physical aspects: proprioception (your body's ability to perceive its position within space), joint stability (your muscles and connective tissues working to keep your joints in place), and the vestibular system (your internal compass, monitored within your inner ear). You can improve your balance through stability training exercises, yoga, pilates, and exercises using unstable surfaces.
  • How do you improve your STABILITY?
    Stability exercises target the smaller "stabiliser" muscles that keep your joints working correctly, reducing unwanted movement. Stability training will allow your joints to move, and your body to function in a correct movement pattern while utilising the right muscles. Typical stability training exercise involve challenging your balance and controlling small movements with weights.
  • What is the difference between SPEED and REACTION?
    Speed is the rapidity of movement and our muscle contractions. Reaction is the rapidity of our movement response to an external stimulus. For instance, how fast Usain Bolt can run the 100m (speed) vs how fast Bolt would dodge a ball flying towards him (reaction time).
  • Can STRESS affect my exercise performance?
    Studies show that mental and physical stress can inhibit our physical performance abilities. Including a mental wellbeing plan as well as training strategies to improve our performance capabilities is considered a HOLISTIC approach to sports training.
  • Can HORMONES affect my performance?
    Hormones are chemical messengers that enable multiple functions in the body. They vary based on our permanent biology as well as changes in our internal and external environments. If our body has a shift in hormonal patterns (from stress, fatigue, puberty, menopause, or changes in our diet, for example), there can be an effect on our athletic performance. We can use nutrition and other means of holistic training methods to support improvements in our wellbeing and athletic performance.
  • How does GENETICS affect your physical fitness?
    The genes carried in our DNA are responsible for predetermining certain physical factors at birth: eye colour, what type of muscle fibre is predominant, our blood type, the shape of our bones, our likelihood to inherit genetic diseases, etc. They affect our physical "starting point" and can help determine our maximum athletic ability. The range between minimal and maximal performance can change based on the intensity and type of training, and how our bodies adapt to a training method or combination of different training methods.
  • How can you increase your FLEXIBILITY?
    To safely increase your flexibility, you need to use a combination of stretching, mobility, and stability. This will allow your muscles, tissues, and joints to increase their length and hold the position in place during movements and static holds. Flexibility training requires warmup and preparation to be safe, and strength to remain stable. Find out more in our "8 Stretching Mistakes" article.
  • Do SUPPLEMENTS really help?
    The world of supplements can be a slippery slope that is full of chemicals and additives. Our bodies have naturally evolved through time to function optimally with foods that can be found in nature (whole foods). Any product sold to you under the pretence of being a "miracle cure" or performance booster may be a marketing drive with little or no scientific backup. To be sure, ask your doctor, certified medical nutritionist or a trusted personal trainer to look at the food label. Ensure they are quality ingredients that suit your SPECIFIC needs - and check that the professional you are asking is not tied into a commercial contract to sell you that specific brand of products!
  • Is it OK to work out when I'm SORE?
    First you need to be able to identify whether you are feeling pain (this is sharp) or muscle soreness. Delayed-onset muscle soreness (or DOMS) is a complex phenomenon that manifests within 12-48 hours after intense exercise, especially if you’re getting back into exercise or increasing your training load. Different fields in sports medicine are conducting ongoing research to pinpoint biomechanical & biochemical mechanisms that cause DOMS. Theories that have been debated over the years include muscular micro-tears, fascial alterations, inflammation, acidity, and the buildup of excessive lactic acid. If you're feeling any sharp pain, consult your coach, physiotherapist, or doctor before you carry on training. If you're feeling a little sore: this is a sign your previous training was VERY efficient... perhaps TOO efficient if you're so sore you cannot move! Recovery is an essential part of training: if your body feels like it needs a break, it likely does. Learn to listen to your body, and next time you train, make sure you push yourself enough to feel it, but not so much that you can't move the following days and need a longer break between sessions.
  • Is SITTING bad for you?
    Humans have evolved with movement being an integral part of our lives. Resting and sitting has always been an integral part of our evolution. The problem is not sitting: it's HOW we sit and HOW LONG we maintain a specific position for any length of time. Sitting in the same position for extended hours of time (or being fixed in ANY permanent position for the majority of time) creates physical adaptations in our muscles, connective tissues, and neurology that, as they accumulate, give us back pain, poor posture, difficulty moving, joint stiffness and could lead to more severe consequences. Even if you exercise for an hour a day, staying still in the same position can have serious consequences as your body 'adapts' to a specific position over time. Try to vary your seating positions and find as much opportunity as possible to add movement into your daily routine. It doesn't have to be exercise, just move a little more!
  • How much should you EXERCISE?
    The answer depends: how much do you MOVE daily? Exercise is only a solution to increase our movement quota, so the answer entirely depends on your existing habits. Certain statistics will say that the "average" person should exercise for 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. Of course, this is only a statistical guideline that does not take into consideration your "daily active living" quota. Movement is life! So if you move more, you need to exercise less!
  • How do I LOSE FAT?
    This is one of the most frequently asked questions on the internet. Let us be entirely honest: there is NO PRODUCT or fad diet out there that can miraculously get rid of your belly fat. What's more, you cannot spot-reduce fat by targeting a specific area (e.g. crunches/sit ups for belly fat). Your body will gradually decrease its fat percentage fat as a result of an optimised and healthy nutrition plan and enough movement to balance your nutrient intake, calories, and metabolism. A boost of exercise will be highly efficient to kickstart the fat-loss process. You can find out more information for your personal use on our Body Shape eLearning course and for maximum results, we suggest working with with a CERTIFIED holistic Personal Trainer or medical nutritionist for a solution to suit your specific genetics and lifestyle.
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